Ariana Mallery

Instagram: arijume

Ariana Mallery

Last Haul
35mm film (Ilford HP5, 400 ISO, black and white)
17” x 11”

Ariana Mallery

Creek Fire
Digital (DSLR 1/400 sec. f/7.1 300mm)
17” x 11”

Hi, I’m Ariana. Thanks for checking out my photos, I appreciate that.

I enjoy painting, photography, and printmaking, as well as digital art and graphic design. I’ve been a photography student during highschool and now through college, but have been taking photos for way longer.

A little about me in this last year: I would say I’m a very driven and passionate person. Along with being a full time college student taking 20+ units, and working on the side, I’ve been taking care of my 85 year old grandmother in Boston. I moved into the apartment upstairs in her house in August 2020, just a week before the fall semester, but I still had things to take care of in California (like getting my driver’s license and school). I was frequently bouncing back and forth between California and New England, not really in one place for a long period of time. I would have never been able to handle such a task if it wasn’t for remote learning and incredible support from (most of) my professors. The photos here are from this period of the second half of 2020 to early 2021, during this time when I was split between both the east and west coast.

My photography is mostly things I see in my everyday life. I'm that kind of tourist that walks around with a digital camera, film camera, a polaroid, and a backpack full of lenses and film. I do both film (35mm C-41 and 35mm black and white) and digital photography. My one and only SLR is a Yashica FX-70 Quartz (circa 1979), which I bought for a generous price from Professor Santee back in 2019 (thanks professor!). My DSLR is my old, reliable Canon EOS Rebel T6 from black friday many years ago. I love my cameras, and they come with me literally everywhere. We’ve gone on hikes, climbed trees, and fallen into rivers countless times. I know some artists are embarrassed or nervous to show others their work, but I like showing people my images. I enjoy seeing the emotions--the look of happiness or nostalgia on their face as they look through the photos, and knowing that my photos, even for a moment, made someone smile. Wherever I am, I hope to keep having amazing adventures with my cameras, and continue sharing these feelings through photos.