Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy For SJDC Library

Board Policy 4040

Reference: Education Code Section 78100; Civil Code Section 1798.90

The District shall have library services that are an integral part of the educational program and will comply with the requirements of the Reader Privacy Act. The Board of Trustees of San Joaquin Delta College supports comprehensive library services for students to include: an organized, accessible, and appropriate collection of print, non-print, electronic, and online resources and equipment; bibliographic and information literacy instruction; and a professional staff concerned and involved in meeting the needs of students.Policies relating to library services for students are detailed in the Library Handbook. The Library Handbook will be revised as necessary and approved by the Division Dean of Languages, Library and Learning Resources and the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instructional Services.

  • Adopted0 06-23-87 Amended 04-16-13
  • Amended 03-07-89
  • Amended 01-20-04

Administrative Procedure 4040 Library Services for Students

Reference: Education Code Section 78100

The Board of Trustees of San Joaquin Delta College supports comprehensive library services for students to include: an organized, accessible, and appropriate collection of print, non-print, electronic, and online resources and equipment; bibliographic and information literacy instruction; and a professional staff concerned and involved in meeting the needs of students.

A. Objectives of Library Materials Selection

Specifically, the library assumes the responsibility for the provision of carefully selected print, non-print, electronic, and online resources, which assist the individual in the pursuit of education, information and the creative use of leisure time. Materials will be selected for students, faculty and staff for the following purposes:

  1. To support the instructional program,
  2. To increase skills and abilities,
  3. To develop a broad background of knowledge,
  4. To develop the capacity for critical thinking and information competency,
  5. To broaden social and political understanding and cultural awareness,
  6. To develop the sense of moral and civic responsibility, and
  7. To encourage reading and research for information, pleasure, and lifelong learning.

B. Policies of Selection

The selection of materials to be added is based upon the belief that good college instruction cannot be carried on without a quality library collection. The collection should be composed of print, non-print, electronic, and online resources that widen the boundaries of the students' thinking, enrich their lives, and help fulfill their educational and recreational needs. The freedom to select needed materials is essential. Selection must be based upon a global view of the world, an understanding of the common nature of humanity, and a belief in the stability of our society, institutions and government. Neither the defense of that which is thought to be good, nor the protection of students from that which is thought to be bad, shall be considered primary objectives of the library. Conflicting viewpoints on political and social matters are expected to be adequately reflected in the collection.

The library of San Joaquin Delta College subscribes to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights as adopted June 18, 1948, and amended February 2, 1961 and January 23, 1980, by the Council of the American Library Association.

All gifts to the College library will be accepted or rejected in accordance with the selection policies embodied herein. The library reserves the right to evaluate each gift and determine the need for the title in the collection. Acceptance of a gift does not mean the library will add it to the collection or keep it. The decision to add a title is made by the Coordinator of Collection Development and/or the Dean of Library Learning Resources and Language Arts. Requests from staff members and from students are given full consideration. Faculty and administrators are encouraged to participate in the selection of materials for the entire collection, particularly within their competency areas and fields of special interest. The librarians will select materials in all areas as required.

The college administration delegates to the library faculty the responsibility of materials selection within the framework of the policies of the Board of Trustees. The Dean of Library Learning Resources and Language Arts is responsible for the quality and content of the collection under his/her jurisdiction.
Adopted 06-23-87 Amended 11-10-03

Administrative Procedure 4041 Library Materials

The library collection should be composed of print, non-print, electronic, and online resources that support the instructional program, widen the boundaries of individuals' thought, enrich their lives, and fulfill their educational and recreational needs. The Board of Trustees of San Joaquin Delta College subscribes to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights.

Adopted 06-23-87 Amended 11-10-03

Library procedures and practices

Book Collection
Books are selected by the library faculty, with input from instructional faculty, staff and students. The collection development coordinator oversees the selection of materials and the overall development of the collection. The library faculty use the standard review media on a regular basis. In addition, published notable and outstanding lists are regularly reviewed.
In addition to the criteria stated in Board and Administrative Policies #4040 and 4041, criteria for the selection and evaluation of book materials include a combination of any of the following:

  1. Supports the instructional program
  2. Provides up-to-date information
  3. Is appropriate to the community college level
  4. Is well reviewed
  5. Appears on recommended lists
  6. Is recommended by faculty, students, or staff
  7. Balances current holdings
  8. Is reasonably priced
  9. Is of general and/or avocational interest to readers
  10. Is of local, regional or statewide interest
  11. Previous use patterns indicate a need
  12. Author or publisher has an authoritative reputation
  13. Is of an acceptable format
  14. Is of lasting value

Fiction is generally selected for its usefulness in terms of the formal study of literature. Hardcover popular and paperback popular fiction is selectively added and placed on the popular reading shelves located throughout the library.

As a general rule, the following items are not included in the purchase of materials:

  1. Textbooks, except those received as gifts or those reviewed as appropriate to a core collection in a two year college. Note one additional exception under the section dealing with reserve materials.
  2. Upper division research materials
  3. Rare books or manuscripts
  4. Dissertations
  5. Sheet music
  6. Foreign language materials (except for literary work requested by an instructor or special collections, such as the Vietnamese books)
  7. Lab manuals and "fill-in the blank" study guides
  8. Religious tracts
  9. Vanity press material
  10. Duplicates
  11. Out-of-print books
  12. Condensed books

Serials Collection

Selection of serials and newspapers is done by the library faculty, with input from the instructional faculty, staff and students. Direct orders to journal/newspaper publishers are kept to a minimum. The consideration for additions to the collection are based on:

  1. Whether the serial is needed for a specific instructional program
  2. Whether the serial should be added for general interest appropriate to the academic level
  3. Relative importance of the title within its field
  4. Whether the serial is indexed by one of our indexing sources
  5. Whether the serial is listed in Magazines for Libraries
  6. Price
  7. Whether the serial title already exists in 49/99 Union Serials List
  8. Availability of microfilm or microfiche
  9. Availability of online access

Deletion of titles from the collection is done using a combination of the same criteria used for selection. However, circulation history is also considered in the evaluation process.

Audiovisual Materials Collection

The selection and purchase of audiovisual materials in done by the Collection Development Coordinator, with input from the instructional faculty, staff and students. Material selected is based on the following criteria:

  1. Supports the instructional program
  2. Of general interest
  3. Well reviewed
  4. Good technical quality
  5. Appropriate format
  6. Currency
  7. Adds subject balance to the collection
  8. Balance in terms of expenditures for division requests
  9. Positive faculty evaluations
  10. Price

Faculty must preview audiovisual items in advance of purchase if previews are available. An evaluation form is completed for each item previewed.

Reference Collection

The reference collection is made up of both print and electronic resources. Reference materials include, but are not limited to, indexes, almanacs, both general and specialized encyclopedias, bibliographies, handbooks, directories, atlases, dictionaries, and statistical resources. Reference materials are selected on the basis of currency, scope, relevance to the collection, ease of use, cost and general usefulness. Continuation orders for reference materials are placed with a variety of suppliers in order to maintain ease of continuity and currency to the collection.

Online Sources

The library subscribes to a number of fee-based, commercial online resources. Selection of online databases is based on a combination of the following criteria:

  1. Offers broad-based educational use to a wide variety of students, faculty, and staff
  2. Offers a user-friendly interface
  3. Multiple user access
  4. Remote access availability
  5. Sufficient and reliable technical support available
  6. Useful help screens
  7. Trial access provided by vendor
  8. Usage statistics available online
  9. Reasonable price

Reserve Collection

The Reserve Collection is made up primarily of gifts from faculty publishers. The library does not generally purchase copies of textbooks from its regular materials budget. However, if the Campus Bookstore is nearly out of supply of a given textbook and it is believed there will be a delay in receiving the order, the Library will purchase one copy to place on reserve. If a student has lost a reserve textbook, a replacement will also be purchased. Additionally, the Library will order "supplementary reading" for individual courses upon request by the instructor. The guideline for purchase is one copy per ten students in the class.

New Readers Collection

The library has a small collection of fiction and nonfiction book materials addressed towards the needs of English-as-a-second-language students.

Juvenile Collection

The Library purchases and maintains a collection of picture books appropriate to the 4 - 8 years old category. These books are used for the Child Development program.

Archival Collection

The Archival Collection consists of materials that relate to the current or historical aspects of Delta College. The collection is made up of such items as past Board of Trustee agendas, past college catalogs and digests of classes, accreditation self-studies and reports, and publications and reports published by the Administration or one of the Divisions on campus.

In addition to campus documents, there is a small collection of books and materials relating to the history of Stockton and San Joaquin County.

Popular Reading Collection

The Library maintains a collection of a popular paperback and hardbound reading material located on various display racks around the library.


The decision to replace stolen or damaged library materials is based on the following considerations:

  1. Whether or not the material is still in print
  2. The timeliness of the material
  3. Whether or not the material is considered a standard in the field
  4. Whether the material has been superceded by a new edition
  5. The need for the material relative to other items in the collection
  6. Whether the material is a duplicate copy
  7. Price


Weeding is done primarily by the library faculty, with occasional input from the instructional faculty. Among items which should be removed from the shelves are:

  1. Titles superseded by newer editions
  2. Unneeded duplicate titles
  3. Worn out volumes (dirty, mutilated, badly marked pages, brittle or yellow with age, frayed bindings, broken hinges, or dingy covers). If a book is still useful to the collection, it should be repaired, replaced or rebound, if possible.
  4. Dated textbooks over 15 years old
  5. Highly specialized books when the library holds more extensive or up-to-date volumes on the same subject
  6. Books with low circulation
  7. Books with out-of-date information
  8. Reference books: Superceded reference books should be removed after the new editions are processed except in cases in which their ongoing retention is deemed useful.


The acceptance of gifts to the library is covered in Board Policy 4040 #6321. The library accepts gifts of library materials with the understanding that material will be added at the discretion of the Collection Development Coordinator. Material that is not added is generally placed in the library book sale. Letters acknowledging the receipt, the quantity and appreciation for the gift material(s) are sent out by the Library Director. Monetary value is not assigned by the library for gifts donated. Memorial gifts will have a bookplate added upon request by the donor.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is currently not available. 

The Library borrows materials for staff and students, and lends materials to other libraries, via the OCLC network.

Resource Sharing

Delta College is a member of the 49/99 Central Association of Libraries Cooperative Library System which incorporates public, academic and special libraries in the surrounding seven county area. Interlibrary loan requests are sent to member libraries.

The University of the Pacific offers Delta College students library privileges for six month blocks at a cost of $20.00 per period. Forms are supplied at the Reference Desk in Goleman Library.

Goleman Library is a member of OCLC and the Sierra Valley Library Network and participates in the Community College Library Consortium to purchase electronic databases.