Incident Referral Forms

Incident Referral Forms

Delta College strives for a safe environment for students and employees. It’s important that both students and employees understand how to file a complaint, refer a behavioral health concern, or report misconduct. Please review this page for information and links to the forms you’ll need to file a report.

Student Complaints and Grievances

The student complaint process applies to grievances such as rights of free expression, specific student rights, and course grades, subject to specified conditions

STUDENTS, to report a grievance or complaint, fill out the use the link to the SJDC Student Complaint and Grievance form. below.  For questions regarding Student Grievances and Complaints, please call (209) 954-5005.

SJDC Student Complaint and Grievance Form

Student Title IX

All college employees are mandatory reporters which requires them to report all allegations or knowledge of sexual misconduct that involves students. 

Title V also includes other forms of discrimination based protected classes.

STUDENTS, to report a student Title IX or Title V violation, please use the link to the SJDC Student Title IX Incident Reporting form below . For questions, please call (209) 954-5056.

SJDC Student Title IX Incident Reporting Form

Student Conduct

Students are expected to comply with all federal and state laws as well as all District policies and procedures. 
EMPLOYEES, to report a potential violation under the Standards of Student Conduct, please use the link to the SJDC Student Conduct Incident Reporting form below. 
For questions regarding Student Conduct, please call (209) 954-5151, ext. 6182.

SJDC Student Conduct Incident Reporting Form
(Delta Employee Login required)

Academic Integrity

Concerns regarding academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism (including plagiarism in a student publication), or engaging in other academic dishonesty that is intended to gain an unfair academic advantage.

FACULTY, who need to report an academic integrity concern, should also fill out the SJDC Student Conduct Incident Reporting form using the link below. 

For questions regarding Student Conduct, please call (209) 954-5151, ext. 6182.

SJDC Academic Integrity Incident Reporting Form
(Delta Employee Login required)

Mental Health Referral
(Behavioral Intervention)

District employees are encouraged to refer students who experience feelings, exhibit actions, or express thoughts about behavioral and mental health concerns that may affect their academic or personal well-being.  Students may also self-refer themselves for behavioral and mental health services.

In case of an emergency, or after hours (evenings and weekends), please call Campus Police at 209-954-5000 or 911.  

PLEASE NOTE: Calls placed to 911 will direct your call to an off-campus law enforcement agency. 

EMPLOYEES, after contacting Campus Police or 911, submit a Mental Health Incident Referral Form using the link below.

For questions regarding Mental Health Referrals, please call (209) 954-5151, ext. 6265.

SJDC Student Mental Health Incident Referral Form