Student Conduct Review Process

The District is committed to ensuring the safety of faculty, classified staff and students. Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline Procedures have been established in accordance with Education Code 66300, 66301, 66017, and 76030. Safety on the District's campuses and other properties is of utmost importance. If there is a serious threat of violence or behavior that causes a faculty member, classified staff, or student to fear for their safety, call District Police at (209) 954-5000 or ext. 5000. PLEASE NOTE: Calls placed to 911 will direct your call to an off-campus law enforcement agency.

Students are expected to comply with all federal and state laws as well as all District policies and procedures.  Students are obligated to engage in all District activities with respect so as not to disturb the opportunity for faculty and staff to perform their duties and for students to gain the full benefits of participation in their classes and other District Programs.

Any violations of the Standards of Student Conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension or expulsion of a student, except for conduct that constitutes sexual harassment under Title IX which shall be addressed under AP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX, and AP 3434 Responding to Harassment Based on Sex under Title IX.

The District is committed to the principles and philosophies of restorative justice and approaches outcomes from a progressive lens to determine sanctions for conduct violations.  Students who are determined to have engaged in misconduct as described in the Standards of Student Conduct are subject to the procedures outlined in AP 5520 Student Discipline Procedures.

Governing Policies and Procedures