
Use the resources below to make a petition request. For Petition for Change to Academic Record,  please allow a minimum of 14 business days processing time for your request. We understand that your requests are time sensitive and we will work quickly to process these requests. You will be notified via your Delta College email of the outcome of your petition. Please be aware that during the Summer session many Instructors are considered "off contract", if response from an instructors is required to complete the processing of your petition request this may delay the response time due to availability.

Due to FERPA regulations, emails will only be sent out to a your Delta College email address we have on file or indicated on the petition form. Emails will not be sent out to a third party.

Instructions on each petition should be followed closely to ensure proper processing of your petition request. Before you submit a petition please read each petition carefully, obtain required signatures and attach copies of required documentation when instructed to do so.


Submit your petition or form in one of the following ways:

In Person: Visit the Delta Connect Center located in the DeRicco Student Services Building 1st floor. Please refer to the Delta Connect Centers hours of operation.
By Email: Send a completed PDF copy of your petition to:  
Please do not send document links or “drop box” links that require pass codes as we will not accept this submission format. We are no longer accepting screen shots or photos of petition submissions. Submission by email must be in PDF format. No exceptions.
By Mail: San Joaquin Delta College Admissions and Records Office  Attn: Petitions  5151 Pacific Avenue Box 102  Stockton, CA 95207
Petition Instructions & Forms
30 Unit Remedial Coursework Waiver Petition

Use this petition when seeking to waive or appeal the unit limitation on enrollment in non-degree basic skills courses.   

30-Unit Remedial Coursework Waiver Petition Form

Course Audit Petition

Use this petition to request to audit a course when you want to address specific or unusual educational circumstances. Please Note: Course audit is defined as the enrollment of a student in a course without award or notation of the student’s transcripts of credit, units attempted, grade or grade points.

 The deadline to submit a Course Audit Petition is:

  • For Fall or Spring Term classes: First Two weeks of the semester.
  • For Summer Intersession classes: First week of the course.
  • All Deadlines Are Final

Course Audit Petition Form

Course Repeat Petition - 4th Attempt

A Course Repeat Petition will no longer required for a third attempt. Simply register for a third attempt on your scheduled online appointment date and time.

You are allowed no more than three enrollments in the same course in which you receive a grading symbol of “D”, “F”, "FW", “NC”, “NP”, or “W”.

After a student has attempted a course three times they must complete this petition to request to enroll in a course for a 4th attempt. The Admissions and Records office will attempt to enroll the student into the course once open enrollment has begun for the semester. Enrollment in requested course will be based on seat availability at the time of open enrollment. If your first choice course is full we will attempt to add you to your alternate choice if indicated. If both are full and there is room on the wait list we will attempt to place you on the available wait list.

Course Repeat Petition Form



General Petition

Use this petition to make a request that is not covered by any of the other petition/appeal forms. For example: If you wish to register in the Fall or Spring for more than 21 units before the semester begins, you must make your request on a General Petition.

General Petition

Matriculation Appeal Petition

Use this petition to request permission to be allowed to enroll in a course when you are not permitted to enroll because you do not meet the prerequisite or corequisite of a course.

Matriculation Appeal Petition Form

Significant Lapse of Time Petition

Use this petition to request to be permitted to repeat a course that you already received a passing grade in (“C” or better). Please note: 6 years must have passed in order to be considered.

Significant Lapse of Time Petition

2+2 Articulation Application for Credit

Use this application when applying for the college credit agreed upon in the formal articulation agreement between your secondary school and San Joaquin College District.

2+2 Articulation Application for Credit

Academic Renewal

Use this petition to request SJDC to disregard up to 5 courses of your previous unsatisfactory coursework taken at SJDC in which you earned grades of D, F, NP or NC.

Academic Renewal Form

AP/IB/CLEP Examination Credit

Use this petition if you have received confirmation from SJDC’s Evaluations Office that your official copy of your AP, IB or CLEP Examination Student Score Report for College and Universities has been received, you have earned a satisfactory AP/IB/CLEP score and would like to request to receive units towards the Associate Degree.

PLEASE NOTE: A letter grade will NOT be awarded. Students are advised to consult with a College Counselor, University Official, the College Catalog, and the advanced placement transfer institution.

AP/IB/CLEP Examination Credit Form

Change to Academic Record

Use this petition when you believe that an error was made in enrollment of a class, fees charged against your student account, or if you believe that an error was made in a grade entered on your permanent record.

Change to Academic Record

Loss of Enrollment Priority And/Or California College Promise Grant (Formerly BOG Fee Waiver) Appeal

Use this petition if you have lost your registration priority because you have been on academic probation for 2 consecutive primary terms (Fall and Spring), or you have earned 100 units or more at SJDC.

Loss of California College Promise Grant (Formerly BOG Fee Waiver) Appeal Form

Academic Dismissal Appeal Petition

Use this petition form if you would like to appeal your dismissal because you believe facts exist that warrant an exception to the dismissal action.

What is Academic Dismissal?

  • You have attempted at least 12 units since you began Delta College.
  • Your Cumulative GPA is less than a 2.0 or "C" average for three consecutive semesters

Requirements for Academic Dismissal

  • If you are dismissed a notice will be sent to your Delta College email that explains your dismissal status, the appeal process, and the reinstatement after dismissal process. Please refer to this email first.
  • If you are filing an appeal and/or have questions about your dismissal and would like to speak with a counselor, please refer to the Counseling Center for instructions on how to make an appointment with a counselor. Make sure you request an appointment specifically for Probation Dismissal.

Academic / Progress Dismissal Appeal Petition Form (Docusign)

Progress Dismissal Appeal Petition

Use this petition if you would like to appeal your dismissal because you believe facts exist that warrant an exception to the dismissal action.

What is Progress Dismissal?

  • You have attempted at least 12 units since you began Delta College.
  • You Have received a Withdrawal (W), Incomplete (I), or a no credit (NC) in 50% or more of the courses you have attempted for 3 consecutive semesters.

Requirements for Progress Dismissal

  • If you are dismissed a notice will be sent to your Delta College email that explains your dismissal status, the appeal process, and the reinstatement after dismissal process. Please refer to this email first.
  • If you are filing an appeal and/or have questions about your dismissal and would like to speak with a counselor, please refer to the Counseling Center for instructions on how to make an appointment with a counselor. Make sure you request an appointment specifically for Probation Dismissal.

Academic / Progress Dismissal Appeal Petition Form (Docusign)

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

The Credit for prior learning (CPL) is credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom.

Credit for Prior Learning Petition Information

Credit by Examination

The purpose of Credit by Examination (CBE) is to recognize a student's experience(s) and knowledge base for which credit or advanced standing has not been previously granted. A student who satisfactorily passes authorized examinations may earn credit.

Credit by Exam (CBE) Petition Form

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Credit by Examination, you:

  • Must be currently registered at the College and enrolled in the semester in which CBE is requested.
  • Must have an educational plan on file.
  • Must be making satisfactory academic progress.
  • Must meet the prerequisite(s) for the course for which CBE is requested.
  • Must not have successfully completed or must not be currently enrolled in the course for which CBE is requested.

For complete information, please refer to BP/AP 4235.