Thank you for your request to create or register your San Joaquin Delta College affiliated social media account! Affiliated social media accounts serve as a source of information and communication platform to enhance communication with students, staff, faculty, and members in our District. The inclusion or exclusion of any social media account in the Social Media Directory is determined by the Marketing and Communications office. To request to create or register your Delta College affiliated social media account, please complete the form below. The form is dynamic and additional details will display based on the answers to questions below. Which department/program/area would you like to represent on social media? Do you have an active Delta College social media account(s)? * Yes No What Social media account(s) do you want to register? * Facebook Instagram TikTok Twitter YouTube What social media platform(s) would you like to use? * Facebook Instagram TikTok Twitter YouTube Why would you like to create a social media account for your area? * Facebook URL: * Instagram URL: * TikTok URL * Twitter URL: * YouTube URL: * Additional Comments: Please include any additional details or information you would like for us to know. Your Information Name: * First First Last Last Delta College Email Address: * Office / Department: * Check Below: * I have Read and understand Delta College's Social Media Policy and Guidelines CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Math question * 4 + 1 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.