Financial Aid Information for Undocumented and AB 540

Applying for Aid Through The California Dream Act

The California Dream Act is the Financial Aid Application for Undocumented/AB540 students.

  • California Dream Act Application needs to be turned in once every year by March 2nd. 
    • Note: Males between the ages of 18 to 25 must register for Selective Services by mail at the post office.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) verification must be turned in by your high school. College GPA can only be used if you have completed at least 16 units towards a
    degree applicable program.

Checking Your Financial Aid Status

  • Check your San Joaquin Delta College email account to get updates on your Financial Aid status.
  • You will be sent a link to a Financial Aid portal. Once you receive it, log in to check if there are any additional documents requested from Financial Aid.
  • If additional documents are required, submit documents to the Financial Aid office as soon as possible.
  • The San Joaquin Delta College Connect Center can assist you with printing and navigation of the website. It is located in the DeRicco 149.
  • Once all documents are submitted, expect to wait 4-6 weeks to be awarded financial aid.

Visit the Financial Aid Website for More Information

Financial Aid Eligibility for Undocumented Students

Undocumented students are only eligible for California State Aid. With your California Dream Act Application, the Financial Aid Office will review your eligibility for the following:

AB540 Affidavit

AB540 Affidavit

Please go to the Admissions and Records Website -> Admission forms tab for more information on the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption.

California Grant B or C

California Grant B or C

Cal Grants are for students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree or vocational or career training, and do not have to be repaid. 

California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth

California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth

Former foster youth students who were dependent or ward of the court between the ages of 16 and 18 may qualify for up to $5,000 a year for career and technical training or college. You must complete the CHAFEE Application in addition to the California Dream Act Application.

Apply for the California Chafee Grant

California College Promise Grant

California College Promise Grant

By completing your California Dream Act Application, the Financial Aid Office will review you eligibility of the California College Promise Grant which will waive your tuition fees. You will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA and pass your classes at a 50% passing rate. 

Student Success Completion Grant

Student Success Completion Grant

For California Community College students who collect the Cal Grant B or C and are full-time students. 

Finding Scholarships

Use the following sites to search for potential scholarships!

Writing Your Scholarship Letter

Use these tips when writing your Scholarship letter:

  • Discuss your family background: Both the hardships and successes of your families' story are important.
  • Discuss who or what motivated you to go to college.
  • Discuss what you will do with your certificate, associate's degree, or bachelor's degree. How can you return and help your community once you earn your degree (consider things like being bilingual or a role model).
  • Discuss your major and why you selected it.