Madri Sherman

Hello, my name is Madri Sherman and I am a State Parole Agent with the Division of Adult Parole Operations. I currently supervise GPS assigned Parolees within San Joaquin County. I started my Criminal Justice Career with the Department of Juvenile Justice (Former CYA), as a Youth Correctional Counselor then promoted to Correctional Counselor with the Department of Adult Institutions. Since my assignment with Parole, I have been assigned to Re-Entry Court, the Parole Apprehension team and ultimately GPS.
I decided to enter the field of Corrections and make it my career because: I’ve always found personal fulfillment in helping people shape their paths. I was originally a Nursing Major, however, found that the Criminal Justice field was more in line with what I aspired to do. It is a daily task that allows me to navigate challenges by being creative, empathetic and consistent.
The most unusual job I’ve ever had was: I use to work at a Chevron service station changing oil and air filters..
I felt it was important to serve on this advisory board because: The department is constantly evolving to align with new policies and procedures. It is important that curriculum stays current and that law enforcement agencies contribute the latest events to ensure accuracy.
The hardest thing I’ve ever done is: Definitely parenting. The job never ends, never slows down, never stops, never pays enough. But is definitely the most rewarding.
My favorite way to relax is: I just bought a travel trailer and love going camping with my kids. I also enjoy the ocean and just spending time with loved ones.
My favorite meal is: Not picky at all. I can go for some rib-eye and asperagus or chicken nuggets.
You’d be surprised to learn that: I bought myself a motorcycle when I graduated from Cal State Eastbay in 2008.
I am most proud of: The daily work I put in at home and on the job. I am proud of my kids and the path they are on so far. And also my colleagues turned family.
One item from my Bucket List: I have a few, but I would like to travel around the world.
Three people living or deceased I would invite to dinner: My Grandmother and Celia Cruz. I can’t think of a third one.
My motto is: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail.
If there were one piece of advice to give anyone considering Parole as a career, it would be: To acknowledge the very many hats you will wear. As a Parole Agent, you will utilize your knowledge and skillset to assist the Parolee is leading a positive, pro-social pathway in life. You will act as their counselor, mentor, and hold them accountable. Most importantly, you will ensure public safety.