Kimberly Juarez

Kimberly Juarez

Eyes of the Brain (2019)
Conte on Charcoal paper
18”h X 24”w

Kimberly Juarez

Little Red (2020)
Color pencil and Marker- toned tan paper
9”h X 12”w

When it comes to my art, my creative side comes to life more than ever. Since I was a little girl, drawing and coloring were my favorite activity to do. I was very shy and quiet as a child and I would spend most of my time daydreaming and letting my imagination go wild. My inspiration for my artwork mostly comes when I daydream about life. When I started high school, art classes were the first classes I was excited for out of everything. I took art classes for all four years of high school and I knew art was my passion and the career path I wanted to take for the rest of my life. I decided to go to San Joaquin Delta College as it was in the same city I lived in and was very affordable for me to take classes. I am studying for my Associates Degree in art and this is my fourth year at Delta College. With the artwork I submitted, I wanted to show my range of art skills I have acquired since coming to college and I would say I have improved so much since high school. From drawing portraits to surrealistic style of artwork. I like to try many forms of art especially in painting and in sculptures as I love to learn new things when it comes to art. I also love painting and most of the artworks I submitted in the previous years were paintings. This year I was more focused on drawings than painting and I thought this would be a nice change of submitting my artwork. This will be my last art show in college as I will graduate this year in the fall 2021. I always love looking at other people’s artwork during these art shows as it inspires me to continue my dream of becoming an artist and have my own little studio to create my art.