H.S.S.E.A. Hourly Employee FAQ |
Hiring a Federal Work-Study Reader
Hiring a Reader
Hiring Lifeguards
Hiring a Federal Work-Study Reader
- Students must submit a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by following the on-line step-by-step instructions. The application will ask “Are you interested in being considered for work-study?” Choose Yes. There is no fee required to apply for FAFSA.
- Check jobs listed at the Financial Aid webpage for the HSSE job listing.
- Once you are awarded funds, you will be notified by the financial aid specialist via email, download the Federal Work-Study Referral Form and fill it out. Check the time limitations.
- If you have asked a faculty member to be a reader, the faculty member must sign the form as the supervisor and then turn the form in to the H.S.S.E.K.A. Division Office.
- After the faculty member/supervisor and the Division Dean have signed the form, you must walk the referral over to the Financial Aid office. The financial aid specialist will complete their portion of the form and will notify the supervisor of your work status. The student must bring a copy of the completed form to the faculty member/supervisor.
- A student who has not worked at the college must clear the fingerprinting process and clear the Tuberculosis (TB) test prior to the work start date. This process is completed with the Human Resources Office.
- Once Human Resources has received fingerprinting and TB clearance, they will notify the supervisor. The student will then be able to start working.
- Federal Work-Study students may not work more than 8 hours in a day.
- Federal Work-Study students may not work more than 20 hours a week while classes are in session.
- Federal Work-Study students may not work on college designated holidays.
- Federal Work-Study students must be enrolled in 6 units or more each semester.
- It is the responsibility of both the supervising instructor and the Federal Work-Study student to keep track of all hours worked so that the Federal Work-Study student does not earn more than the award amount.
- Once the projected termination date is reached (as listed on the referral form), the student must stop working.
Hiring a Reader |
- Faculty members determine who may work as their reader. Once you have been approved by a faculty member, come to the H.S.S.E.K.A. Division Office.
- Each new reader will be given an employee application packet from the H.S.S.E.K.A. Division Office. This packet includes a Delta College application for employment, a Short-Term Hourly Time Report (time card) and a payroll reporting period/pay date schedule for the academic year.
- New employees must bring the completed employment application to the orientation meeting held by the Human Resources office.
- New employees will be asked to present their driver's license and Social Security Card to Human Resources when they turn in their completed application.
- Each academic year, the faculty member must fill out, sign and submit to the H.S.S.E.K.A. Division Office the Short-Term Request form for each reader position requested.
- Readers may not begin working until the Division Dean completes the Short-Term Request form and then verifies approval from Human Resources.
- Readers may not work more than 8 hours in a day, no more than 24 hours a week and no more than 4 days a week.
- Readers may not work on college designated holidays.
- If a reader is not a full-time student, (9 units), they cannot work more than 195 days within a fiscal year, (July 1 to June 30) according to POLICY 4080 and AP7236.
- Reader pay has 3 levels. Reader I needs no reader experience. Assists a faculty member to grade class assignments. Reader II needs an AA degree or have worked 300 hours in an academic year as a Reader I. Reader III needs a BA degree or have worked 300 hours in an academic years as a Reader II. Pay increases as a reader moves up levels.
- Readers may not work for more than one division.
Hiring Lifeguards |
- Lifeguards must be CPR, Lifesaving and First Aid Certified.
- If you meet these requirements, please contact Mike Maroney, Aquatics Coordinator for more information at (209) 954-5217 or mmaroney@deltacollege.edu.