Today is Commencement Day. Delta College continues to mourn the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers, and to reaffirm our commitment to stand with the African-American community. Amid these incredibly hard times, we do hope this day brings our community a chance to celebrate something -- the spectacular achievements of our students.
Please see the below statement issued by College leadership to Delta students earlier this week.
A joint message to Delta College students:
Our local community, our country, and the world are experiencing the collective pain related to not only the senseless killing of George Floyd, but also the weight of centuries of historic racism and violent assaults on individuals of color.
At San Joaquin Delta College, we are also experiencing these same feelings of grief and anger. In the strongest terms, we condemn acts of violence and hate against African-Americans or any other group.
While we cannot directly control events that happen on a national scale, we can control how our campus responds to these events – with unity, solidarity, and a determination to do our part to correct injustices in our own communities.
Recently, in the wake of discrimination related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Delta College formalized a proclamation of zero tolerance for all forms of racism or hate. We encourage you to review this document here and share it. This is who we are as a College.
We know that what is happening throughout our nation right now, layered on top of the ongoing pandemic, has made a tough situation even tougher. If you are feeling overwhelmed or are struggling to cope, we urge you to reach out to Delta College's counseling department. Click here to make an appointment or call (209) 954-5151 Ext. 6276 and leave a message.
By standing in solidarity with those who strive for equity and justice, we can create a better future in Stockton and across this country.
Dr. Omid Pourzanjani, Superintendent/President
Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Student Services
Dr. James Todd, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction and Planning
DeAnna Solina, Esq., Vice President of Human Resources and Risk Management