Math 05 - Linear Algebra Mathematica Resources
IA - Interactive Demonstration
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1. Linear Systems
- Systems IA Rref Form
- Row reduction IA Compositions 1
- Rotations IA Compositions 2
- Shears IA Billiard I II
- Reflections IA 2D Transform
- Projections IA Square Image
2. Matrix Algebra
- Matrix Operations IA 2D 3D Projection, Reflections
- The Inverse IA Compositions of Reflections
- Null Space IA 3D Rotations 1
- Col Space IA 3D Rotations 2
- 3D Rotations IA Rotation-Reflection
3. Determinants
4. Vector spaces
- Polynomials IA {I,A} Space
- Sequences IA Nilpotent
- Functions IA Idempotent
- Matrices IA Anti-Idempotent
- Transformations IA Involution
- Change of Basis IA Transition Matrices
5. Eigensystems
- Eigensystem IA Discrete Dynamics IA Trace Determinant Plane
- Diagonalization IA Discrete Dynamics 1 IA Diagonalizable
- Discrete systems IA Discrete Dynamics 2 IA Phase Plane
- Complex Eigenvalues IA Complex Eigenvalues
6. Orthogonality
7. Spectral Decomposition and Singular Values
8. Special Relativity
A Sabbatical Project by Nick Bykov, 2023 e-mail: