Reporting Guide

Report to Campus Police if:

(209) 954-5000 or ext. 5000 or 911

  • Any display of threatening behavior
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Any threat to harm self or others
  • Student refuses to leave class or office after being directed by professor or campus personnel
  • Any type of criminal activity

Suggestions for handling extreme situations:

  • Mitigate danger to yourself and students
  • Control your breathing which helps you to remain calm
  • Talk in slow, calm manner until Campus Police arrive
  • Program the emergency phone number to Campus Police on your cell phone 209-954-5000

Report to Dean of Student Services and file a Conduct Incident Reporting Form if:

Student Code of Conduct Excerpt

Any behavior that is an infraction against the student code of conduct which continues after the professor or campus personnel has instructed the student to stop.

You should also report any behavior listed in the Student Conduct Handbook, which is at a level that causes disruption in the classroom and which is difficult to handle.

A sample of conduct is listed below:

  1. Causing or attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
  2. Possession, sale or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object, including but not limited to any facsimile firearm, knife or explosive, unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the student has obtained written permission to possess the item from the SJDC Chief of Police.
  3. Unlawful possession, use, sale, offer to sell, or furnishing any controlled substance listed in the California Health and Safety Code Sections 11053 et seq., any alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind; or unlawful possession of, or offering, arranging or negotiating the sale of any drug paraphernalia, as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 11014.5.
  4. Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion.
  5. Causing or attempting to cause damage to District property or to private property on campus.
  6. Stealing or attempting to steal District property or private property on campus, or knowingly receiving stolen District property or private property on campus.
  7. Sexual assault or sexual exploitation regardless of the victim’s affiliation with the District.
  8. Committing sexual harassment as defined by law or by District policies and procedures.
  9. Engaging in intimidating conduct or bullying against another student through words or actions, including direct physical contact; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; social isolation or manipulation; and cyberbullying.
  10. Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of, college personnel.
  11. Lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or expression on District owed or controlled property, or at District sponsored or supervised functions as defined in AP 3760.
  12. Engaging in expression which is obscene, libelous or slanderous, according to current legal standards or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on District premises or the violation of lawful District regulations, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the District as defined in AP 3760.

Suggest Mental Health Counseling/Health Services and file a Mental Health Incident Referral Form if: 

  • Military Post Traumatic Stress
  • Poor self-care
  • Family/relationship problems
  • Irritability
  • Lack of engagement when prompted many times
  • Excessive stress
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive pattern of dependency on professor
  • Difficulty with social interaction
  • Low self esteem
  • Withdrawal
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Issues related to adjustment to college
  • Time and stress management
  • Difficulty dealing with separation, divorce, death or abandonment
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty with relationship formation
  • Excessive challenges dealing with emotions
  • Domestic violence
  • Emotional, physical and sexual abuse
  • Decreased motivation and energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Negative self-talk
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Obsession with death
  • Delusional behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Talking to people who aren’t there or hearing voices