The Delta College Board of Trustees seeks applicants to serve as an appointed member of the Board until the November election.
Candidates must live in Area 2, an area generally described as central Stockton. A map of Area 2 is available on the Delta College website and can be seen in purple below..
The appointed trustee will fill the seat of former Trustee Carlos Huerta, who stepped down recently because he moved outside of his elected area. Huerta’s term was set to expire in November.
“Our Board of Trustees serves a critical oversight role at Delta College, helping us better serve students in our community. We encourage members of the public to consider applying for this seat,” said Superintendent/President Dr. Omid Pourzanjani.
Candidates must submit a letter of interest, a resume, an application, and an additional questionnaire. All materials are available on the Delta College website. The deadline to apply is Feb. 18.
All applications will be considered by the Board, with finalists invited to oral interviews scheduled for March 10. A final decision is expected on March 11.
Applicants must be available to attend Board meetings, which are typically held twice a month on Tuesday evenings. They must be able to attend the March 10 meeting for interviews. A schedule of meetings for 2020 can be seen on the Delta College website.
They should also be willing and able to attend special events at the College and various trustee training opportunities.
The application and other materials are available on the Delta College website.
Delta’s seven-member Board of Trustees approves the College’s budget and evaluates the superintendent/president, among other roles. Established in 1963, Delta College serves over 20,000 students each year, providing pathways to transfer to four-year universities or earn career education degrees and certificates that lead to high-paying jobs right out of community college.