WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.330 --> 00:00:10.679 Kerry Steers: Hello there have been many emails circulating about how to grant permissions to a student to enroll into your class. 2 00:00:11.759 --> 00:00:17.609 Kerry Steers: This video will be short and will demonstrate the steps needed in order to grant permissions to a student 3 00:00:19.289 --> 00:00:22.800 Kerry Steers: The first thing we're going to do is we're going to login to my delta 4 00:00:24.750 --> 00:00:45.960 Kerry Steers: As you notice here, I'm entering in as a test faculty, you may see a faculty members name and schedule for spring when I enter this just know this is the test server that I'm logging into some none of the information that I modify here will actually be reflected in the live servers. 5 00:00:50.460 --> 00:00:53.220 Kerry Steers: Once we log in. We're going to go to the Faculty Center. 6 00:00:58.290 --> 00:01:04.020 Kerry Steers: We noticed that it brings us to the schedule and on this page. We have a grant permission column. 7 00:01:07.950 --> 00:01:11.910 Kerry Steers: We're going to click to grant permissions to the appropriate class. 8 00:01:15.630 --> 00:01:18.990 Kerry Steers: And it brings us to the faculty class permission page. 9 00:01:22.230 --> 00:01:27.270 Kerry Steers: Towards the bottom of this page, we can see class permission data. 10 00:01:29.460 --> 00:01:34.650 Kerry Steers: This is where we're going to input the students information that we wish to grant permissions to 11 00:01:38.370 --> 00:01:43.980 Kerry Steers: All we need to do to do this is under ID enter in the students information. 12 00:01:45.570 --> 00:01:47.220 Kerry Steers: Click the magnifying glass. 13 00:01:48.360 --> 00:01:49.920 Kerry Steers: And then click the students name. 14 00:01:53.910 --> 00:01:57.450 Kerry Steers: We can notice here that we have a section labeled expiration date. 15 00:02:00.180 --> 00:02:03.540 Kerry Steers: This is the date that the student needs to enroll into the class. 16 00:02:05.340 --> 00:02:09.600 Kerry Steers: While the permission is active. If they tried to enroll after this date. 17 00:02:10.770 --> 00:02:11.910 Kerry Steers: It will not allow them 18 00:02:13.080 --> 00:02:14.430 Kerry Steers: To adjust this date. 19 00:02:16.230 --> 00:02:18.990 Kerry Steers: You simply need to click on the calendar icon. 20 00:02:22.530 --> 00:02:23.490 Kerry Steers: Click on the new date. 21 00:02:29.640 --> 00:02:30.900 Kerry Steers: And we noticed that it changed. 22 00:02:33.120 --> 00:02:34.410 We can hit Save. 23 00:02:36.240 --> 00:02:41.070 Kerry Steers: Now you're going to notice this here permission expiration date cannot be earlier than today. 24 00:02:42.450 --> 00:02:56.670 Kerry Steers: When setting the permission expiration date the date cannot be earlier than today this error message is simply stating that you can't have an expiration date that has already passed. So if you notice here. 25 00:02:58.080 --> 00:03:01.470 Kerry Steers: The expiration date is 331 2020 26 00:03:03.330 --> 00:03:05.760 Kerry Steers: To change this. I'm going to press current date. 27 00:03:06.990 --> 00:03:08.250 Kerry Steers: Which sets it for today. 28 00:03:13.920 --> 00:03:18.300 Kerry Steers: And if I wanted to I can select the 31st of May. 29 00:03:20.400 --> 00:03:21.570 Kerry Steers: And hit Save. 30 00:03:22.920 --> 00:03:31.290 Kerry Steers: Now you'll notice this work is done when you see a saved icon pop up in the top right corner of the page. 31 00:03:33.720 --> 00:03:40.260 Kerry Steers: If we wish to add more students to the permission page we simply need to press the plus icon. 32 00:03:42.210 --> 00:03:46.200 Kerry Steers: And enter in the students information, just like we did the first time. 33 00:03:47.400 --> 00:03:55.890 Kerry Steers: Make sure to press Save after every student that you add just to be sure that everything is being recorded properly. 34 00:03:59.550 --> 00:04:08.250 Kerry Steers: I hope this helps. And if you have any further questions regarding this, feel free to email me and I'll try to assist you. The best I can. 35 00:04:09.330 --> 00:04:11.160 Kerry Steers: Thank you and have a good day.